Announcing the Addition of a New Section
For along time even before starting this blog, I become a full-time single dad. This is something I never asked for, never planned, and it just happened. But I am proud of everything I have accomplished in my life both at work and at home. There has been a long standing expectation that the “full-time” parent would always be the mother. This has been changing as full-time single dads are becoming more and more common. As what is most important is what is best for our children in life. I wouldn’t trade raising my three babies for anything in the world.
In future blog posts, I hope to help other dads with useful articles not only on camping but also about Fatherhood in general. I believe single dads are underappreciated and face many challenges created by old stereotypes. Please stay tuned as I open this new section of my blog!
I invite any other father bloggers who wish help to reach out, I would love to share quality content!